Toes to Knows Climbing Academy

Academy: Strength Assessment
Climbing is a skill sport, but strength also plays a huge role in climbing success. As you progress up the grades in climbing, strength grows in importance. In this video,...
Academy: Strength Assessment
Climbing is a skill sport, but strength also plays a huge role in climbing success. As you progress up the grades in climbing, strength grows in importance. In this video,...

Academy: Power Pushup
Climbers need both strength and power. Power is just strength applied quickly. A power pushup is a great way to build power in your antagonistic pushing muscles. No extra weights...
Academy: Power Pushup
Climbers need both strength and power. Power is just strength applied quickly. A power pushup is a great way to build power in your antagonistic pushing muscles. No extra weights...

Academy: Isometric Planks
In the Lyti training summer series, Lyti struggles with doing regular pushups, making it hard to progress the exercise for her. One alternative exercise that works pretty well is an...
Academy: Isometric Planks
In the Lyti training summer series, Lyti struggles with doing regular pushups, making it hard to progress the exercise for her. One alternative exercise that works pretty well is an...

Academy: Lyti's Training Plan
Part of our "Toes to Knows" Climbing Academy series--covering climbing from footwork to mental preparation. Tags: Coaching, Hangboarding, Advanced, Intermediate, Training In this post, we go over a training protocol...
Academy: Lyti's Training Plan
Part of our "Toes to Knows" Climbing Academy series--covering climbing from footwork to mental preparation. Tags: Coaching, Hangboarding, Advanced, Intermediate, Training In this post, we go over a training protocol...

Academy: Build Your Own Hangboard
If hangboards feel a bit too expensive to you, or if, because of a global pandemic, you can’t find one in stock, you can easily build your own hangboard at...
Academy: Build Your Own Hangboard
If hangboards feel a bit too expensive to you, or if, because of a global pandemic, you can’t find one in stock, you can easily build your own hangboard at...

Academy: Train Hangboard Repeaters to Increase ...
7x3 repeaters are a great way to add strength endurance into your rock climbing training regimen. If you're into route climbing and you need to gain endurance to help maximize...
Academy: Train Hangboard Repeaters to Increase ...
7x3 repeaters are a great way to add strength endurance into your rock climbing training regimen. If you're into route climbing and you need to gain endurance to help maximize...